We had a wonderful weekend at the GBAE in Caisleáin Oir Hotel Annagry.
A really large footfall and many visitors very interested in Art.
We had Amanda Brunker opening the Event which was organised by my good friend Morag ...Moragmccaffertyartist.ie
We had a large amount of sales with 16 Artists exhibiting :-
Morag McCafferty, Tina Gallagher, Michael Gallagher,Terence Gallagher,Jim Gallagher ,Morgan Ferriter, Majella O Donnell, John Gillespie, Anton Duffy,Rory O Donnell ,James O Donnell and Iggy the Dog,
Gay O Toole, Johhny Boyle, Cathal Gallagher and Niall Mc Ginley .
All the artists enjoyed talking with each other and to the many visitors who came through the door about art.
As you may notice from my website, I sold a few of my originals so I will be working hard to increase my website stock in the future.
